Degercy Deutsch

Create Your Own Product

Why settle for pre-made styles when you can create your own design world? T-shirts, sweaters, mugs - turn them into your canvas and show the world your unique style!

Collage Jacket

Degercy Deutsch

Men's T-Shirt

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Women's T-Shirt

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Kids T-Shirt

Degercy Deutsch

Create Your Own Story

Discover the captivating stories behind each of our characters here and immerse yourself in their fascinating worlds.

Character Image

Linda Sandate

Character Image

Sora Tamball

Character Image

Aline Tamball

Character Image

Yuto Satoba

Character Image

Sandra Gotha

More Characters

Sandra Gotha Yuna Satoba
Image 1 Image 2

Don't just wear clothes, wear a message. Show your passion for anime, gothic and co.

Just a girl who likes ramen and cats


Just a girl who loves ramen and cats” describes a person who likes to indulge in delicious noodle soup and enjoys the company of cats, which fills her life with simple pleasures.ind to emphasize your personal style.

Our characters

Every character has their own story

Top Designs

Designs that were sold most frequently

Hoody, Tshirt mug and more

Click on your favorite design and find a large selection of products that are embellished with it to underline your personal style.


Our character Aline Tamball embodies our kawaii style.

Just a girl who likes ramen and cats

Just a girl who loves ramen and cats” describes a person who likes to indulge in delicious noodle soup and enjoys the company of cats, filling her life with simple pleasures.

What is the Kawaii style?

Discover the world of kawaii! From soft pastel colors to playful details, our unique designs embody not just clothing, but a way of life.


Our character the Zombie Bear presents his latest design.

I eat brains but don't worry you're safe

In my colorful world of Kawaii, I enchant with a cute look and a cheerful smile. With my big, sparkly eyes and cute little paws, I spread good cheer while enjoying brains in sweet bites. So, let’s have fun together and have some kawaii adventures!”

Gothic & Rock

Our character Sandra Gotha embodies our Gothic & Rock style.

Just a person who likes Gothic and Rock

A stylized image of a gloomy castle or a gothic cathedral, surrounded by flaming guitars and musical notes symbolizing the fusion of gothic and rock.

What is the Gothic style?

Immerse yourself in a world of eerie elegance and dark beauty. Our designs are more than just clothing – they are a way of life.

Tierische Vielfalt

Our character Sora Tamball embodies our animal diversity.

Just a person who likes anime and horses

As someone who loves horses, I appreciate their grace, strength and the unique connection they have with humans.

Bald verfügbar

Gamer Designs

Our character Yuto Satoba embodies our animal diversity.

Paused my Game to be here

T-shirt designs with animal motifs offer a versatile way of expressing personality and showing a connection to nature or certain animal species.


Our character Linda Sandate embodies our Gamergirls designs.

The perfect design for women

Discover our diverse collection of trendy t-shirts designed especially for women gamers to emphasize your individual style and celebrate your love for the gaming world!


Unser Charakter Linda Sandate verkörpert unsere Sportdesigns.

Trampoline jumps and anime binges thats my weekend

Der Spruch “Trampoline jumps and anime binges, that’s my weekend” bedeutet, dass die Person an den Wochenenden gerne auf Trampolinen springt und Anime-Serien oder -Filme intensiv schaut. Es beschreibt also die bevorzugten Aktivitäten oder Hobbys dieser Person an den Wochenenden.


Our Baskologia character and Sandra Gohta embodies our provocative style.

Smile, you can't kill them all

The saying is a humorous expression that points out that not all problems can be solved or all obstacles removed. It encourages you to remain positive even in difficult situations and not to let life’s challenges get you down.

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